Thursday, 27 August 2015

Cross Country

On Thursday we had the school cross country. We have been practicing pacing and sprinting everyday. Project Energize helped us with our nutrition and learning about all the food that will help us to be the best runner on the day. We had heaps of fun on the day and are all winners for  making it over the finish line. Thank you to all the parents that supported us.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Spy Week Shhhhhhhh ! dont tell anyone

Today the strangest thing happened. We had a visit from a top secret spy who delivered a top secret folder to us. We left a video and instructions to complete a spy form. We made our spy characters and are now ready for our next clue.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015


Today we started out technology planning.

We split into pod groups and we were given our design brief.

"You need to design, make and create a board game for a family"

We are really excited!!!!

We will be learning to work with others and persist when things get hard.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

THANK YOU Whanau for attending our science fair. The kids have  had so much fun with science and learnt a lot about mixing and melting. We used aurasma to enhance our posters with videos and we loved sharing them with you. Please feel free to pop in if you did not get a chance to come on Friday.

This week we are starting our new topic of technology. We will be using design thinking to meet a design brief in the next few weeks. This will challenge us to also was in collaboration with our peers. We will be needing some resources, if you have any shoe boxes, glad wrap rolls, wire hanging around that could be used for construction please send them to school for us to use.

Take a look at our Friday.

 Thank you for the awesome post it comments left. We loved reading all of them.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

10! What a day. We had a visit from Ronald McDonald. He was so funny and we all laughed a lot. He lost his sock and had to find it but needed to cross dangerous roads. We learnt to Stop, Look, listen and be road safe.

                          Olivia was lucky enough to help Ronald find his sock, Well done Olivia.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Yesterday we made jelly worms come alive. So we made them alive and we put them on our hand they were slimy and they moved on my hand. - Written by Keaton and Olivia

"When we held the worms they were fizzing and moving more" Said Liam

Blake did some great inference during reading time- Well done Blake.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Hello Whanau

I sent home your child Skool username and password. Skoolbo is an amazing educational tool that has 50% literacy and 50% maths. It adjusts to your child ability and is fun and game like for your child's enjoyment. A great home learning activity to do alongside mathletics. You will just need to download the app for tablets or desktops. Free, simple and safe download. All information is found on the hand out.

Any questions please feel free to contact me.

Have a great afternoon.

Anna :)
Kia Ora Whanau

What a great first two weeks we have had. We are gearing into a full on fun Week 3. We will be starting our training for cross country and be learning about how we run and pace ourselves then sprint to the end. Please make sure your child brings running shoes to school everyday. We will also be looking into some awesome 'Science is Magic' experiments by making electric eels!!!

Thank you for your comments, the Totara Kids read them everyday and we love sharing our learning journey with you.

See you during the week

Anna Tollestrup :)