Friday, 31 July 2015

Today Blake brought his amazing racing carts to school. One was blue and one was red. He races them and is going to the North Island champs to race this weekend. It was super cool. We did some writing about it too. Take a look at our videos.


Thursday, 30 July 2015

Science is Magic!

Did you know we are MAGIC!!! Well we really are.

Today we made milk dance. First we put milk onto a plate. We then put 3 drops of food colouring 1 red, 1 blue and 1 yellow. We then got our magic wands (cotton tips) and dipped it into washing up liquid then........... we put it into the milk and wooooosh !!!!!!! the magic happened.

Take a look.

"The milk was running away from the wand" said Seth
"It was totally awesome" said Liam

Wednesday, 29 July 2015


Today we are describing MINIONS, they are our favourite character from a movie. Have a listen Olivia, Thomas O and Cailin.
Riding for Disabled

We have been busy making horse cookies to fundraise for Riding for Disabled. We had to make the gingerbread recipe on Monday. Then leave it in the fridge and finally we cut them out and cooked the,. Delta, Cameron, Hana and Baxter brought us some awesome decorating tools to use. We think they look pretty great. Have a look at our creations. If you would like to buy one they are $2.00.


Monday, 27 July 2015

Today we had such an exciting day. First we got a visit from Garth at Project Energise. He talked to us about healthy eating. Have a listen to our videos of from kids reading their recount.


We had a biggest shared lunch we had ever seen. We were celebrating Leila our world BMX champ. We are lucky to know a world champion. We watched her race and heard about her hard work and exciting trip. Well done Leila Take a look at our day. Photos by Baxter.

Shared lunch


Wednesday, 22 July 2015


WALT predict what happens when liquid turns to solid.

Today we through about what happens when water turns to ice.
What is heavier?
What is lighter?

Why do icebergs float on water? Why does ice cubes float in our drink?
What happens when it freezes? does it go smaller ? does it expand?

So we decided to find out.

First we filled a cup with water 3/4 full.
We then predicted what will happen. We placed a rubber band around where we thought it would end up when frozen. Some though it would shrink. Other thought it would expand and some through it would stay the same.

We then decided to go one step further......

The girls used hot water and the boys used cold water.


Monday, 20 July 2015

Art and Writing

Today we finished our amazing art. Yesterday we had to write a story all about us. What we like and what made us fantastic. We then crayoned and dyed our background. Some of us did snakes, planets, cats and we dyed over it in wonderful bright colours.

Today we glued it all together..... and the results show for themselves. We are AWSEOME. Take a look at a few and you will have to pop in to see for yourself.

Have a great night and don't forget to leave a comment.